Invitation from the Children’s Allotment

Dear East Ward Plot-holders,

You’re invited to join us to celebrate the changing season and the re-launch of The Children’s Allotment.

We’ve been busy working on the site and we want to share our progress and plans for opening and activities for families coming up this Autumn!

Saturday 23rd October 13.00 – 15.30

– Apple pressing & juice
– Homemade sourdough pizza oven
– Bonfire
– Outdoor play for children

Suggested donation £5 per family
Bring cash for the pizza oven!
Funds raised will support The Children’s Allotment

Join the Facebook event for updates

Timber in the Shop

Are you building a raised bed? Do you need to repair your shed? Do you have plans for a fruit cage?

The EWAA Shop may have just the timber you’re looking for. The following items are currently in stock:

  • Kick board – 3.6 metres long
  • Feather edge – 2.4 metres long
  • Deck bearers – 6″ X 2″
  • Fruit cage posts – 3″ X 3″
  • Fruit cage rails – 3″ X 2″

No More Paper Towel

Because the used hand towels in the toilet block regularly spill out of the waste container and onto the floor, causing an unhygienic nuisance, the Committee has decided not to refill the paper towel dispenser beside the basin from now on.

Thank you for your understanding.

EWAA Committee

Rent Payment 2021-22

Acknowledging that the Covid pandemic has affected many incomes over the past year, the EWAA Committee has decided not to apply any increase to the plot rents charged for the coming year.

On 4th October, following the plot inspection, the Treasurer will email each plot-holder with details of the rent due, requesting a bank transfer, exactly as last year.

It is therefore essential that we have the correct email address for each plot-holder. If you suspect that EWAA messages do not reach the plot-holder’s mailbox, please send an email to as soon as possible.

Anyone not wanting to make a bank transfer will be able to pay online by card (this is new).

All rents must be paid by the end of October.

Drug users in EWAA car parks

Over recent weeks several members have reported their concern at the increasingly regular presence in the EWAA car parks of local drug users, especially around the pile of woodchip outside the gate to the Middle and Howard Street Lanes.

Please contact the police whenever you witness any drug-related behaviour on or around the allotment site:

  1. Call 999 immediately if there is no doubt what is happening. Police officers will be despatched without delay and anyone found with drugs on them will be charged with an offence.
  2. If there is a delay because you remember something after the event and think that drug use may have occurred, you should report it to the police on their non-emergency number – 101.

The committee has reported the general pattern of behaviour to the Thames Valley Police, incident number INC-20210922-1228, and both the Community Policing Team and the Oxford Public Spaces Drug Taskforce are taking up the matter. Any one of you can use the TVP website to add further details to the incident

The more reports they receive the more police presence we can expect.

EWAA Committee

Important Dates in the EWAA Calendar

Dear EWAA Members, 

The Allotment has a busy weekend in its calendar in the middle of October, so please put these dates in your diary now, and join us in the annual Autumn activities:

Work Party 
Various locations and tasks across the site

Apple Juicing 
Under gazebos outside the Shop
Bring clean bottles with a lid, your surplus harvest, and any windfalls

Work Party 
Various locations and tasks across the site

EWAA Annual General Meeting
Under gazebos outside the Shop

Details of each separate event will follow soon, and notices will go up on the gates.
We’re really looking forward to seeing you over that weekend, and to welcoming new members who have yet to experience the harvest season at the East Ward site!

EWAA Committee 

Autumn Plot Inspection

The next inspection of plots takes place on October 2nd & 3rd.

With the high demand for allotments at the East Ward site we currently have over 50 names on the Waiting List, therefore if you have not cultivated your plot to the extent required by the association rules it will be re-let to someone else. Oxford City Council owns the land and leases it to the EWAA for the growing of vegetables and fruit crops. The lease requires us to keep the plots in a good state of cultivation. 

You can check the Cultivation Guidelines on the website, here.

If you have any queries please contact the Membership Secretary on

EWAA Committee

OUWG Open Afternoon this Saturday

This weekend our neighbours at the Oxford Urban Wildlife Group are holding an Open Afternoon, Saturday 11th September 2pm ~ 5pm at the Boundary Brook site. There will be guided walks, an Art in Nature Trail, and a wildlife photography competition. This is a chance to find out more about the work they are doing, and to become a member if you’d like to support their projects.

Entry is free and everyone is welcome.

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