The shop on our allotment site opens on Sunday mornings:

  • Feb-March 10.00-12.00
  • April-July 11.00-12.00
  • Sept-Nov 11.00-12-00
  • Closed in August, December & January

It is staffed by volunteers from the committee and is a good place to find us if you need to speak to someone about your plot/the site. It normally sells seeds, fertilisers of various kinds, and garden sundries including woven black plastic mulch. See below for more details.

Shop Stock – 2024

This is not a complete list, but gives an idea if what is currently available:-

CategoryFor example
Seeds & BulbsBroad Beans: Aquadulce, Sutton Dwarf
Dwarf beans: Amethyst, Elba, Tendergreen
Climbing beans: Borlotta, Cosse Violette, Hunter
Runner beans: Painted Lady
Peas: Douce de Provence, Hurst Green Shaft, Kelvedon Wonder, Meteor
Mangetout: Carouby de Maussane, Nairobi, Oregon Sugar Pod
Something new: Asparagus peas, Edamame beans

Vegetables — many old favourites and some less common varieties

Salad leaves, Lettuce, Spring onions, Radishes, Tomatoes, Herbs

Green manures: Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Grazing rye, Phacelia, Crimson clover, Summer Mix, Tares (vetch), Trefoil, White clover.

FLOWERS: an assortment of old favourites for attracting pollinators, sowing as companion plants, and for brightening your plot
Seed potatoesStock is normally on sale from mid-February 25th.
Canes4ft, 6ft, 7ft, 8ft
Soil improversMixed horse manure and composts in 70 litre bags
Peat-free compost
Blood, fish & bone meal
Calcified seaweed
Chicken manure pellets
Maxicrop liquid feed
General fertiliser
Sulphate of potash
Volcanic rock dust
Garden lime
Sharp sand
Pest ControlAnt killer
Moth traps (codling & leek)
Slug bait (contains Ferric Phosphate)
Crop protectionFleece
Butterfly netting
Green netting
Ground coverWoven plastic ground cover 3.3m wide (Mypex)
Ground staples
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