Postal address:
East Ward Allotments
Cricket Road
How to find the site:
The main entrance to East Ward Allotments is between 92 and 94 Cricket Road, opposite the entrance to Ridgefield Road.
Getting in touch: – Write to the Chair of the EWAA committee for matters relating to the site overall. – Write to theTreasurer for financial matters relating to the site. – Write to the Shop Officer for matters relating to the shop stock, opening times, volunteering, etc. – Write to the Membership Secretary regarding the waiting list, to request permission to put a shed or polytunnel, plot inspections, boundaries, etc. – Use this email for general enquiries, and all other matters, such as publicity, this website, the physical notice boards, send an email to
You can often talk to someone on a Sunday morning if you pop into the shop by the main entrance. Details of Shop opening hours are here.
May we have the water to the road taps switched on this week, please, rather than waiting until the clocks go forward, as those of us starting seeds and plants under cover need some clean water for our little darlings….. Regards Stewart
11 March 2023 – Water on, please. Now we seem to be past the
severely cold spell, can we please have the water turned on to the taps along our grass roads? Those of us bringing on seedlings under cover need it. If another cold spell is forecast we can readily turn it off again for a while…. Stewart
Just a word of appreciation for the unpaid work done by members of the committee to keep the site running for all our sakes! On this occasion I ‘m thinking particularly of the prompt repairs to the water pipes damaged by the severe cold weather early in the winter – I think Dan and Mike from near the top of the middle road were the principal activists (but forgive me if I have missed somebody). Thanks very much! Stewart Young
Good afternoon
I am writing to you from St Gregory the Great Secondary School. Do you have any plans in your organisation for community engagement that we may share with you?
We have some garden areas of the school (plus willing students) that could do with some advice from someone who knows what they are talking about to help teachers and students improve their environment.
I look forward to hearing from you
Water. As there is no sign of frost can we please delay turning off the water for the plot-side taps until forecasts suggest imminent hard freeze? And in February / March consider turning water on if forecast is clement? Those of us growing under cover would appreciate access to clean water. Stewart Young
The new padlocks is a great idea as my partner and I have had our she’d broken into 4 times this year, however the very brief time slot for collecting new keys isn’t ideal as we both work weekends is there a way we can collect outside of the 20 and 21st November?
Paul, to be sure your message is read I recommend you send an email to
With regard to the new locks, they are brilliant. Congratulations to Jon and Mike for a job well done.
Hi all. A long shot but does anyone have any tomato ‘Ferline’ seeds to spare? Seems to be a national shortage! Tim
Hi – we have a large and very well built shed in our back garden. No longer needed – but unfortunately was not built to be taken to bits and reassembled so it’s going to be cut up. Is there anyone out there who is interested in taking it away and rebuilding it or reusing some v sound timber? If so come and find me. It needs to go on 2 April.
Easte Monday evening, 7.30 pm. just found an email to me from Colin Gammon, timed aboit 5pm, saying there is a burst tap near shop, ans is anybody able to switch off water at mains this evening…..
Are we allowed bonfires yet?
I am wondering this as well.
Hi, I lost a bunch of keys yesterday and would be very grateful if anyone who spots them could contact me on: 07958553079,
Many thanks,
I’m desperately looking for a rhubarb bare root please.
I got my Allotment plot flooded and my rhubarb plant seems wasn’t survived unfortunately.
I waited for a more than year and grow it from a seeds but it’s gone now.
If anyone could help me out please . I can pay a small amount of money if needed.
Hi Kristina, the best way to make this sort of request is on the Facebook group. If you have an account you can join on