Fruit tree sale and talk, Sunday 6th March

Once again Andy Howard of the Heritage Fruit Company will be coming along to EWAA to give a talk and sell plants in March. Both will be outside the EWAA shop, under a gazebo, The talk will be from 10 -11, and plant sale 11-12.

You can see Andy’s stock lists of bare rooted and potted plants here, please have a look and get in touch with him via johoward and pre-order whenever possible.


Slug control – ban on metaldehyde pellets from March

Dear All,

The old-style highly toxic slug pellets will become illegal (for both garden and commercial use) when metaldehyde is banned from the end of this March. If you do have some lurking in your shed please get in touch with us for help and advice on how to dispose of them safely.

The reason for the ban is the very high toxicity to other wildlife, including birds and hedgehogs who may eat the poisoned slugs, and the long persistence in watercourses of metaldehyde.

The pellets we sell in the EWAA shop* are based on ferric phosphate, which does not have the same impacts as metaldehyde and are still safe to use if you need to.

If you’re looking for other ways to control slugs on your plot, there’s always the classic “come down when it’s dark and rainy and collect them in a bucket”! Or there are more ideas here, including using chopped up brambles around precious plants, and spot watering directly rather than creating lovely damp paths for the slugs to move around on.  

*not currently open until we have a volunteer to run it – get in touch if you fancy giving this a go.

Happy New Year!

A slightly belated Happy New Year to all plotholders! Best wishes for all your growing endeavours in 2022 – it’s great to see so many people out and about getting their plots in order ready for the spring craziness. Enjoy those seed catalogues, and happy gardening from all at EWAA!

Hedge-laying Course at Boundary Brook Nature Reserve with expert trainer Clive Leeke

Due to a last minute cancellation, Oxford Urban Wildlife Group has a few spaces left on the following course. If you are interested, please email

Saturday 4th December 2021

9.30am – 3.30pm

The courses will cover:

  • Assessing the hedge
  • Choice of style
  • Tools and sharpening (including health and safety)
  • Lay your own section of hedge
  • Aftercare
  • Questions and answers

 Please bring: 

  • packed lunch
  • sturdy/weatherproof footwear and clothing
  • work gloves and safety boots if you have them (but spare work gloves can be provided)
  • any of your own tools (billhook, loppers, bowsaw/silky saw, axe) if you have them (but, again, these can be provided)

New keys – more details

  • Why do we need to change the locks?

The old padlocks are worn and cannot be closed easily.

The new padlocks will improve site security.

  • How will the new keys improve security?

Keys cannot be duplicated, and each has a unique number. Therefore, each numbered key belongs to a registered plotholder.

  • Who can have a key?

One key is available for each registered current plotholder.

  • What if a plot has joint plotholders?

Keys are available for each REGISTERED current plotholder (up to maximum of two names per plot.)

  • What is the cost of the new padlocks and keys for the Association?

Changing the locks is expensive. The cost of each key is £15.00. The cost of all the keys, padlocks and fitting the padlocks is over £2,500. The Association is paying 50% of the price of the keys for CURRENT registered plotholders only. NEW plotholders will pay the full price of £15.00.

  • How much will registered plotholders pay for keys?

Each current registered plotholder will pay a  DEPOSIT of £7.50 for each key. When they return the key on giving up the plot, they will receive £15.00.

New plotholders (joining after November 2021) will pay a deposit of £15.00

  • When will the padlocks be replaced with new padlocks?

The new locks will hopefully be installed on Monday 29th November.

  • When can registered plotholders collect keys?

The first opportunity for collecting keys is Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st of November 10-12.00 on both days. Other times will be offered to people who cannot come on those days.

  • Where can keys be collected?

Keys will be distributed in the shop and deposits can only be paid by card (No cash).

  • What if keys are lost?

In the case of lost keys, copies can only be obtained from the Association by contacting the Membership Secretary,

The cost of each replacement will be £15.

  • Any further questions?

If there any further questions, please contact

Please help us by checking that your contact details are correct. Thank you!

New padlocks – price change

Due to unforeseen costs, all new padlock keys will be £7.50 (payable by card only). One will be available to each main plotholder, with the option to purchase a second for a named joint plotholder. We look forward to seeing you on the 20th/21st November between 10 and 12, as previously stated. We will also be checking we have the right contact details recorded for everyone.

padlock picture
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