CARD PAYMENTS ONLY!10:00-12:00 Sunday 22nd May There are some top quality non-perishable products in the EWAA Shop that you might be looking for now that the growing season is in full swing. Canes – sturdy bamboo in four different lengths:
Timber in the Shop
Are you building a raised bed? Do you need to repair your shed? Do you have plans for a fruit cage? The EWAA Shop may have just the timber you’re looking for. The following items are currently in stock: Kick
Onions, Shallots & Garlic are now in stock!
The fresh alliums have arrived, and they look wonderful, so come along to the Shop this Sunday to buy: Senshyu onion sets Blood Red onion sets Red Sun shallot sets Thermidrome garlic
Shop re-opens this Sunday 11:00~12:00
September has now arrived, so the Shop will again be open regularly each Sunday — card payments only ! Here’s a list of the sort of thing you can expect to find: If you have suggestions for other items
Shop re-opening for Easter weekend
We are delighted that the shop can open again in time for the Easter weekend! And because it has been closed for so long the team of volunteers has decided to open 10am~12 noon on both Saturday 3rd & Sunday
No potatoes, onion & shallot sets, or garlic
Sadly, as the EWAA Shop is unable to open during lockdown we won’t be selling the items that normally go into the ground early in the year. Local shops such as Wilko and Homebase often stock seed potatoes and alliums,
EWAA shop re-opens on 7th February at 11 am
Because of the difficulties of running the shop in the context of Covid restrictions we are unable to open the shop for the rest of this year. In early 2021 stock of seed potatoes, onions, garlic, shallots, and seeds will
EWAA Shop Closed in November
Due to the new lockdown the allotment shop will not open on Sunday mornings this month. If it proves possible to take orders from our members, instructions will be posted on the website.
Shop news – May 2020
The new online ordering process seems to be working well, with over 50 bags of compost delivered last weekend. The Ewaa shop online ordering process However there seems to be some confusion about how the online ordering process works. So
Shop News – April 2020
Following the CoVid 19 changes, online shop orders and deliveries have started up. So far, we’ve managed to get one online order cycle in per week, and our stock is selling well. We’ve also managed to get some deliveries from