The allotment Shop will reopen for the Autumn this Sunday, 3rd September 11.00-12.00 On their way:
Only two more shopping Sundays to go!
The EWAA Shop does not open during August, but there are two more Sundays in July, so you can stock up on allotment supplies between 11 and noon. Typical Shop Stock HINTS & TIPS
Summer Shop Stock
The EWAA Shop will be open for an hour between 11 & 12 on Sundays until the end of July, so don’t forget to stock up on: A new supply of jumbo loo rolls arrived this week, so the toilet
More compost has arrived!
This week the EWAA Shop had re-stocked its compost, 8’ and 7’ canes, soft mesh netting, and blood-fish-bonemeal. There’s also plenty of fleece available, which you can use in this hot weather to shade your tender plants. It keeps bugs
Half price seed potatoes!
It isn’t too late to put in some spuds, and there are four varieties left in the EWAA Shop, all beautifully chitted for you (details here). So come along to get some on Sunday between 11.00 and 12.00. Also, more
Reduced SHOP OPENING! 11:00~12:00
The Spring rush has slowed, so the Shop will now open for ONE hour on Sunday mornings between 11 o’clock and 12 noon.
New arrivals at the Shop!
Today a delivery arrived of: Don’t miss these bargain-buys, on sale this Sunday from 10.00 until noon!
Missing seeds have arrived!
If you’re planning to sow Brussels sprouts, kale, chard, Turk’s Turban squash, or spring onions, these seeds are now in stock. Don’t forget to check out the seed potatoes! The EWAA Shop is open on Sunday mornings 10.00–midday.
REMINDER: cashless shopping
We cannot handle cash at the EWAA allotment shop so do remember to bring a bank card. OPENING TIME: Sunday mornings 10:00-12:00 Send shop enquiry emails to: shop @
Seeds and spuds galore!
The fresh supply of seeds has arrived, and the potatoes will be delivered next week. Come and browse on Sunday 26th February, between 10 and noon, when the shop re-opens.There is more information on the Shop page, and click on