Please never leave an allotment gate wide open when you are transporting items between your plot and the car park. Once you turn your back anyone can slip onto the site. Examples of anti-social behaviour on and around the site
REMINDER – Plant Sale at the allotment tomorrow @11:00am
Look for the Restore tuk-tuk at the Social Area, half way along the Middle Lane Bring CASH Stocks include: Beans: runner, climbing, French Courgettes, squashes & pumpkins Leeks Chard Kale & kalettes Artichokes Lettuce Herbs Jam Apple juice Fabulous prices!
All proceeds go to support Restore’s work with mental health This year the tuk tuk will park up on the Social Area half way along the Middle Lane Cash Only PRICE LIST Tomatoes – £1 Red Cherry, Magic Mountain (blight
Unusable key?
If you are unable to open the new padlocks with your key please get in touch with the Committee. You can: Come to the Shop Gate at 2pm this Saturday, 15th May Visit the Shop when it’s opens – Sundays
Is your plot number clearly visible?
The plot inspection takes place this weekend, so please make sure that your plot number is on display at the front boundary, and is large enough to spot easily. This is a huge help to the inspection team who need
If you’re having trouble with your key
You may find that if you withdraw your key slightly from the lock it then turns easily. Thank you to several members who have pointed this out. EWAA Committee
New padlocks on all gates
Because the gate padlocks had become increasingly unreliable they were all replaced yesterday. KEYS: All existing keys should work. Please leave a message here if yours doesn’t. STIFFNESS: The new padlocks can be a bit stiff to close. They need
1st 2021 Plant Sale – coming soon!
The sales last year of veg, salad, and flower plants grown by Restore were extremely popular, so we’re delighted to announce that the tuk tuk will be back on site before long! Please put Sunday 23rd May in your diary.
More Unwanted Items
The allotment is not a suitable place for passing on domestic equipment that is no longer needed. Please DO NOT bring your castoffs onto the site. If the baby, toddler, and small child items left outside the EWAA Shop are
NO BONFIRES on Public Holidays or on Sundays!
Please COMPOST as much as possible — it’s better for our health and for the environment. The Redbridge re-cycling centre is open 7 days a week. If you’re convinced that a bonfire is the only solution, check the EWAA rules