AGM: draft documents for consideration

If you are coming to the EWAA Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24th and would like to propose any alternative or additional wording to either of the two draft documents, New Constitution or Revised Rules & Cultivation Requirements which we will be voting on, you need to send the text of your proposed amendment to by the end of the day this coming Thursday, 21st September.

For more information refer to the message: AGM Agenda & Survey Results

EWAA Committee

Survey Results & AGM

Just a reminder that the deadline for members to respond to the EWAA survey is next Sunday, 10th September. The results will be discussed at the AGM later this month, to which everyone is invited. Below is the agenda which includes links to important governance files.

If you’d like to be involved in the management of the site, are keen to run a plant swap, or would like to organise a community event, please send an email to

AGENDA: EWAA Annual General Meeting 2023

Sunday, 24th September 2023
12.00 – 1.30

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of AGM 2022
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Membership Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Proposal for rent rise and rent date
  7. New Constitution
  8. Revised Rules & Cultivation Requirements
  9. Results of Membership Survey
  10. Election of trustees
  11. Election of Officers and Committee members for 2023-2024
  12. Approval of volunteers for Shop Rota and for site activities
  13. AOB


The allotment Shop will reopen for the Autumn this Sunday, 3rd September 11.00-12.00

On their way:

  • Next week fresh stocks of canes and compost will arrive, with shade/wind netting, fleece, slug wool, and many more useful bits and pieces.
  • Autumn planting onion sets (white & red) and garlic will be on sale from Sunday 17th September

Survey of EWAA members

The EWAA Committee has drawn up a short survey (just six questions) using Google Forms, to find out what plotholders think about matters that concern everyone who uses the site. Feedback from you will help the committee to decide which tasks to prioritise over the coming year. We will present the results at the AGM on Sunday 24th September (AGM 2023).

NB The survey will be sent from email so please add this address to your personal Contacts to make sure that it is not blocked by your mail system, or sent to spam.
The message will contain a link to a webpage where you see the questions and write your responses, so have your plot number ready!

Deadline for responses: 10th September

EWAA Annual General Meeting – Sunday 24th September 2023

Please come and participate in the running of our allotment site!

Once a year, at the end of the summer, East Ward Allotment Association members meet to decide who will run the site over the coming year, and how much rent to charge for each plot. The meeting is open to all registered plotholders, and you are cordially invited to attend on Sunday 24th September 2023.

Papers and further information will be available on the website soon (keep an eye on your mailbox) and there will be printed copies in the Shop from 11.30 on the day.

Time & Place: 12.00 pm meeting starts outdoors (weather permitting).

Topics: include voting on —

  • New constitution in preparation for a new lease with Oxford City Council
  • New rules and cultivation requirements
  • Election of Trustees, Committee Officers, and Committee Members for 2023-24
  • Proposed rent increase for 2023-24

Nominations: for Committee Officer or Committee Member roles should be sent to

We’re looking forward to seeing you!

East Ward Allotment Association Committee

Only two more shopping Sundays to go!

The EWAA Shop does not open during August, but there are two more Sundays in July, so you can stock up on allotment supplies between 11 and noon. Typical Shop Stock


  • If you’re looking for advice there are plenty of books you can borrow, so come and browse the shelves.
  • If you’re fed up with all that digging you could sign up to Charles Dowding’s free weekly email newsletter that explains how to minimise it!

Summer Shop Stock

The EWAA Shop will be open for an hour between 11 & 12 on Sundays until the end of July, so don’t forget to stock up on:

  • Compost
  • Seeds
  • Fertilisers and soil improvers
  • Woven plastic ground cover to suppress weeds
  • Bamboo canes
  • Butterfly netting
  • Fleece for protecting and shading tender crops
  • Fine insect mesh
  • Ground staples
  • Twine
  • Buckets
  • Etc.

A new supply of jumbo loo rolls arrived this week, so the toilet block has also been re-stocked!

More compost has arrived!

This week the EWAA Shop had re-stocked its compost, 8’ and 7’ canes, soft mesh netting, and blood-fish-bonemeal.

There’s also plenty of fleece available, which you can use in this hot weather to shade your tender plants. It keeps bugs off and prevents the muntjac from nibbling too.

Doors open on Sunday at 11 a.m. but you only have an hour to buy what you need!


Weed Warning

IMPORTANT message to all EWAA plotholders

As we approach the height of summer it is more important than ever that you keep the weeds on your plot under control. Not only does this make cultivation easier but it is equally important for your neighbours. As weeds come into seed these spread on the wind and drift onto other plots. This is a major source of frustration for the EWAA allotment community.

An individual message will be sent to all plotholders who have allowed an excessive number of weeds to flourish on the area that they work. Failure to control these weeds may lead to eviction.

Action: Please control tall weeds on your plot, either by cutting them down or by removing them completely (they can be composted).

Deadline: Tuesday 27 June

If you feel that you can no longer commit to looking after your plot, or you want to reduce its size, please contact the Membership Secretary by emailing

Thank you for your participation in the good management of our valuable site.

Best wishes,

Membership Secretary on behalf of the EWAA Committee

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