Neighbourly good practice

As the new growing season gets underway, here are a few things for all of us to keep in mind as we move around the site:

Paths: The narrow paths between plots are not thoroughfares, so please take the long way round and stick to the wide lanes.

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Timber: We MUST NOT help ourselves to wood of any kind – timber or branches – from the OUWG site (Boundary Brook Nature Park).

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Visitors: You are responsible for anyone you invite onto the allotment site, so do make sure they respect all our rules, and note that Oxford City Council (our landlord) does not permit visiting dogs – only plot-holder pooches please!

Wishing you all a joyful Easter!

EWAA Committee

Preparing the troughs for the growing season

The water supply is running, but a number of the troughs are quite clogged with earth and debris. The Covid-19 restrictions have prevented site work parties for many months, so if anyone has a bit of time to spare and could clean out a nearby trough, that would be much appreciated.

If you do decide to tackle this spring cleaning task, please leave any frog spawn undisturbed, and deposit the silt on a plot rather than leaving it on the grass lane, because that makes mowing tricky.

Thanks you!

EWAA Committee

VEHICLES PERMITTED – please drive carefully!

Much to everyone’s relief, the ground is now firm enough for vehicles to use the lanes. Please respect the following:

  • Guide and accompany any delivery driver who you invite onto the site
  • No U-turns – manoeuvres destroy the edges
  • No parking on the lanes. Unload/load up, and then park your vehicle outside the boundary fence. We are in the happy position of having two designated car park.

EWAA Committee

Peastick pile – please don’t forage in the Nature Park

Dear Members,

Our neighbours at the OUWG, who manage the nature park, generously provide EWAA allotment members with a supply of peasticks each spring, in the form of hazel branches coppiced in the autumn. 

From Sunday (March 21st) this year’s supply will be left just inside the gate that leads from the shop lane onto the OUWG land, to the left as you stand with your back to the shop. The pile will be clearly signed, so plot-holders are welcome to help themselves. 

NB – There is an extensive planting project underway on the Boundary Brook Nature Reserve, so please do not remove wood or vegetation from any other spot.

EWAA Committee

Shop re-opening for Easter weekend

We are delighted that the shop can open again in time for the Easter weekend! And because it has been closed for so long the team of volunteers has decided to open 10am~12 noon on both Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th April.

Social distancing rules will still apply, so these are the arrangements:

  • No customers inside the shop
  • Please queue outside, keep your distance, and use a face covering if possible
  • Payment by card only, at the window
  • Goods will be placed on the step for you
  • Please bring your own carrier bags or wheelbarrow

There’s a list on the Shop page of what is currently available to buy.

EWAA Committee

Bonfire guidance

EWAA members are again permitted to burn allotment waste on their plots, so the usual rules apply. Note in particular:

  • No bonfires before 6pm, or before dusk when that is earlier than 6pm
  • No bonfires on Sundays or Public Holidays
  • Only burn dry plant material in order to minimise smoke

Please consider your neighbours, stay close by while the fire is burning, and douse it with water before you leave the site.

EWAA Committee

Update on Vehicles

Dear Members,

Following such a prolonged period of persistent rain the ground at the allotment site remains extremely soft, so the weight of vehicles would still damage our grass lanes. Thankfully, the ground is drying out, so providing we have better weather over the next couple of weeks, we should be able to announce good news in time for the Easter bank holiday. We will let you know, so please look out for a further update.

In the meantime:

  • Continue to respect the notices on the gates
  • Leave your vehicles outside
  • Don’t let any delivery vehicles through the site gates

Thank you for your understanding!

EWAA Committee

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