If you ever use the gate in the “woodchip” car park you will know that the builders who are working at 66 Cricket Road are also using the space to access the construction project. We need to remind EWAA members
Survey Results & Revised Rules
The Committee would like to thank everyone who responded to the EWAA online survey, which was sent out at the end of August. It was the first time that feedback had been gathered in this way, and the results have
Please put the AGM on September 24th in your diary…
…the EWAA needs more participation from its members! Here are three good reasons to volunteer some of your time to actively contribute to the running of the East Ward Allotment Association: We are a community group that can only function
2023 Apple Pressing Dates
AGM: draft documents for consideration
If you are coming to the EWAA Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24th and would like to propose any alternative or additional wording to either of the two draft documents, New Constitution or Revised Rules & Cultivation Requirements which we
REMINDER: survey of EWAA membership
The deadline for responding to the survey is this Sunday, 10th September. For more details you can read this post survey-of-ewaa-members. EWAA Committee
Survey Results & AGM
Just a reminder that the deadline for members to respond to the EWAA survey is next Sunday, 10th September. The results will be discussed at the AGM later this month, to which everyone is invited. Below is the agenda which
EWAA Annual General Meeting – Sunday 24th September 2023
Please come and participate in the running of our allotment site! Once a year, at the end of the summer, East Ward Allotment Association members meet to decide who will run the site over the coming year, and how much
Only two more shopping Sundays to go!
The EWAA Shop does not open during August, but there are two more Sundays in July, so you can stock up on allotment supplies between 11 and noon. Typical Shop Stock HINTS & TIPS
Weed Warning
IMPORTANT message to all EWAA plotholders As we approach the height of summer it is more important than ever that you keep the weeds on your plot under control. Not only does this make cultivation easier but it is equally