This is the time of year when rampant growth has slowed, but seed-setting has begun. Please keep your weeds under control! Several plots have a lot of seedy weeds on them, which will blow onto the neighbours’ plots and attempt to infest them too. Please cut yours (if any) down and compost them, drown them in water, or burn them if you must. If burning, do make absolutely sure the fire can’t spread, and douse it with water before you leave. We recently had a fire re-ignite after the plotholders had left – it was spotted and dealt with, but we really don’t want any repeat incidents. A good soaking should avoid this. Ideally, just compost your middle-of-the-road weeds. You can also compost the more pernicious ones (couch grass, bindweed and the rest) by drying them to death first, or soak them in a bucket of water to make a smelly but nutritious plant food for your crops instead of burning off all the good stuff.