Important update on the Boundary Brook Nature Reserve

The Boundary Brook Nature Reserve lies to the south-west of the East Ward Allotments site, and there is a grass buffer zone that marks the division between the two sites. Both the Reserve and the buffer zone are managed by the Oxford Urban Wildlife Group (OUWG).

During January and February this year (2025) the OUWG will undertake two projects that affect the allotment site:

  1. To fence off the gap beside the gate at the end of the Middle Lane with hazel hurdles.
  2. To thin the trees in the Nature Reserve along the path that leads to the Middle Lane, in order to improve light conditions for growers.

PLEASE NOTE: plot holders must respect the following rules, which apply on the Nature Reserve and also on the buffer zone that separates it from the EWAA:

  • Don’t remove anything from the Nature Reserve site
  • Don’t cut down trees and shrubs
  • Don’t litter
  • Always keep dogs on leads
  • Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult

You can read more about the development programme at the 2025 Nature Reserve on this page.

If plot holders have any comments or concerns regarding the Nature Reserve these should be sent to the EWAA Committee which liaises with the OUWG regularly.

Map of Boundary Brook Nature Reserve

Voluntary donations to the EWAA

At the AGM in October, some members expressed that they would be willing to donate additional funds to the EWAA on top of their rent, to help bolster our financial stability and build up our reserves. If you are in a position to do so, a donation would be gratefully received.

To make a voluntary donation, please use the same bank details as those you paid your rent to, but with the reference ‘Member donation‘.

The outgoing Treasurer stressed the need to build up our reserve account for costs such as repairs to the Shop building and fencing. In the past the Council has helped with grants, but this sort of financial support is unlikely in future.

For further information on the Association’s finances, please see the minutes of the 2024 AGM.

EWAA Committee

A huge thank-you to everyone who turned out last Saturday!

A small group of stalwart plot-holders met up last weekend to clear the litter in the Shop car park, and cut back the invading undergrowth. They also tackled the tangled mess of grass, weeds, and rubbish beside the Children’s Allotment fence, and cleared the overhanging bramble from the footpath between the two Cricket Road gates.

All members of our Association benefit from the time the volunteers gave to these site maintenance activities, so please join the Committee in sending them a warm vote of thanks!

EWAA Committee

EWAA Work Party: this Saturday, 9th November, 12:00-14:00

All members are encouraged to help at the EWAA Work Party on Saturday 9th November, 12:00-14:00. We will be clearing brush and tidying up around the site. Please meet up with Tony outside the shop at 12 noon.

Bring thick gloves and whatever tools you have — secateurs, loppers, rakes, wheelbarrow, etc. The EWAA will provide litter pickers, rubbish bags, and some tools.

All help is much appreciated!

AGM 2024 and Rent 2024-2025

AGM 2024

The EWAA Annual General Meeting 13th October 2024 was attended by 28 plotholders. Thanks to all those who turned up, and those who have joined or remained on the committee. Full draft minutes are now available on the website. Please email the committee if you have any questions or comments:

Rent 2024-2025

On 21st October the EWAA Treasurer sent an email to each plot-holder, from email address The message contained instructions for paying the rent online to the allotment bank account. If you did not receive an email, please check your mailbox SPAM folder.

A 20% rent increase was approved at the AGM 2024, and the charges for 2024-2025 are set at:

  • 10 poles (full sized plot) – £48.00
  • 5 poles (half plot) – £24.00
  • 3.3 poles (third of a plot) – £16.00
  • 2.5 poles (quarter plot) – £12.00

If you have a query about rent, please contact Jon, our Treasurer, on the email address:

DEADLINE: noon Sunday 6th October!

REMINDER: your offer to volunteer for the EWAA Committee and become either a member or an officer at the upcoming AGM (12:00, Sunday 13th Oct) must reach the Contact mailbox by mid-day this Sunday, so please email your details as soon as possible, use the online form, or leave a letter in the EWAA Post Box on the Shop Gate.

For clarification of any details email the adress above.

With thanks for your support!

EWAA Committee

Please share your excess produce

Do you have a glut of one crop or another? If so, rather than leaving your apples, tomatoes, etc. to rot, please offer them to your neighbours. Many plotholder have a limited amount of space to work with and would really appreciate what you can’t eat or store yourself.

The Committee will leave some plastic trays and crates on the grassy Social Area which is half way along the Middle Lane so that we can all leave our surplus there. If anyone has an old table or bench that they would be happy to donate, could they leave it on the Social Area so that we can raise the fruit and veg off the ground?

If you’ve run out of idea for preparing apples one of our members has two suggestions to pass on – try making Apple Chutney or Apple Cider Vinegar. You can find the instructions on this page.

To have your apples and pears professionally juiced you could coordinate with other fruit growers to take your harvest to Oxford Farmhouse, which is about six miles away.

Your suggestions
If you join the informal Facebook page “East Ward Allotmenteers Oxford” you can share more tips and ideas.

EWAA Committee

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