EWAA Constitution


  1. This association shall be named the East Ward (Oxford) Allotment Association.
  2. The Trustees of the EWAA shall be 3 in number. They shall be appointed at the AGM. Six months notice of retirement is required.
  3. The EWAA shall be governed by a committee consisting of at least five officers, (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary), and eight ordinary members. The committee shall be elected annually at the AGM. In the event of a vacancy occurring it may be filled by co-opting until the next AGM.
  4. The officers’ duties shall be to manage the EWAA. The secretary shall deal with correspondence and report on the condition of the EWAA at the AGM and periodically to the committee. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the EWAA, present a balance sheet and recommend a rent to the AGM.
  5. All rents become due on the last rent day each year. Rents shall be paid on rent days, notified on noticeboards, at and only at the committee rooms. Failure to pay by the last rent day will render the member liable for a fine and their plot may be repossessed, re-let and crops forfeited without notice.
  6. The Annual General Meeting of the EWAA shall be held within 13 months of the previous AGM. All members will be notified in writing at least 3 weeks before the date of the meeting, giving the venue, date and time. Only paid up members may participate in the AGM..
  7. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time provided that the secretary is given at least fourteen days written notice, including a clear description of the items for discussion, and signed by at least twelve members of the EWAA.
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