Context: Allotment Gardens are designated under the Allotment Act of 1922 for the production of crops and flowers.
When members join the East Ward Allotment Association they agree to the following rules. Failure to abide by the rules will result in eviction from the site.
A. Membership
Members will:
- Pay annual rent in advance (rent is set at the AGM). If rent is not paid the Membership Secretary will re-let the plot.
- Not sublet or pass the plot to any other person, including family.
- Register an email account that is actively monitored.
- Inform the Membership Secretary immediately should contact details change.
- Not hold more than 20 poles (500 square metres) of the Association’s land. [10 poles = full plot] (Rule introduced in 2023, not applied retrospectively.)
B. Cultivation Requirements
Members will:
- Cultivate at least one third of their plot in the first year, increase the cultivated area by another third in the second year, and have a fully maintained plot after three years of membership and use the plot for cultivating crops or flowers. Weed suppressant material such as woven plastic sheeting (sold in the shop) must cover no more than 25% of the plot after the first two years of membership.
- Make some progress in cultivating their plot during the first three months after taking it on. Progress is assessed with consideration for the time of year, and for the initial condition of the plot.
- Keep the areas around fruit trees and bushes free of weeds and long grass.
- Use only suitable materials to suppress weeds e.g. organic materials such as cardboard or woodchip, or non-organic woven plastic ground cover, but NEVER carpet, rugs, floor-runners or any material which can release toxins into the soil.
- Maintain fruit trees at a maximum height of 10’ (3m)
- Prune fruit bushes and trees so that they do not become a nuisance to neighbouring plots.
Non-cultivation includes:
- Significant growth of any weeds.
- Bramble (except plants that are clearly grown as well-maintained perennials).
- Long uncut grass: on the edge of the lane, along paths, in beds, or around fruit trees, sheds, seating, compost bins.
- A plot that is more than 50% grass (excluding growth around fruit trees).
C. Plot Maintenance Requirements
Members will:
- Maintain a 60 cm wide footpath, ideally on both sides of the plot. Paths must not be removed.
- Not erect any structure without written permission from the Committee, that confirms dimensions, materials, and location of greenhouse, polytunnel, shed, or any other structure.
- Remove all non-compostable rubbish from the site.
- Allow Committee Members to enter and inspect the plot at any time.
- Clearly display the number of their plot.
- Light bonfires only after 6pm; attend any fire constantly while it is burning, and extinguish it completely before leaving the plot. NB – Bonfires are NOT allowed on Sundays or public holidays, and during periods of drought or increased fire risk, bonfires will be banned.
- Burn only dry, plant material, NEVER plastic or any other hazardous material.
- Refill water tanks after using them, and not use the tanks for washing tools or produce.
- Members may locate a personal water butt no larger than 250 litres within the boundaries of a single plot, and may fill this between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am from a hosepipe connected to the nearest tap, giving due consideration to other plotholders. Hoses must NEVER be left on lanes or paths. Anyone wanting to use a storage container larger than 250 litres will need to request permission from the Committee.
- Use power tools only between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. or sunset, if earlier.
D. Appropriate behaviour
Members will:
- Keep the gates locked and secure at all times.
- Respect each other’s property: not take, receive, destroy or damage the Association’s or another member’s property or produce.
- Not enter any other plot (including side paths) without permission.
- Not dump garden refuse or rubbish on other plots or communal land including lanes.
- Supervise children and guests.
- Keep dogs on a lead at all times and make sure they do not stray onto another person’s plot.
- Behave in a courteous and respectful manner to other members.
- Abide by the decision of the Committee in any dispute.
- Not play loud music.
- Drive motor vehicles along the lanes only for the purpose of loading or unloading. (Motor vehicle access is prohibited whenever the ground becomes too soft).
Information regarding the Inspection Process
- Committee representatives inspect all plots at least three times a year to confirm that the required cultivation and maintenance standards are being met.
- There is not always prior warning of an inspection.
- Members whose plots do not meet the required standard for the length of their membership are sent an email, either to terminate the membership, or to set out a time frame within which cultivation and maintenance of the plot must reach the required standard.
- Plot-holders who do not address any cultivation and maintenance issues within the time frame given are notified by email and the plot is let to someone else.
- If a wide-spread issue develops, an email may be sent to all members, explaining the problem and giving a timeframe for improvement. Members who fail to comply may be evicted.
- The decision of the Committee is final.