Allotment members volunteer to takes these roles on
The EWAA has three trustees. As we are an informal, unincorporated association, the trustees act as tenants of the City Council who are the landlord, on behalf of all plot holders. The role is due to be replaced when a new lease is signed. Until then, trustees must be willing to indemnify the City Council against any losses and liabilities arising from our running of a statutory allotment.
Chair – responsibilities include:
- Chairing bi-monthly meetings of the EWAA Committee; preparing agenda in consultation with Committee members
- Supporting the Officer roles and Committee volunteers
- Responding to issues raised by Officers and Members e.g. asbestos management, plot risk assessments, and site security issues such as break-ins and thefts
- Overseeing all statutory documents: rules, constitution, lease, Risk Assessments, and Joint Management Agreements with other Council tenants on the same site: Oxford Urban Wildlife Group (OUWG) and The Children’s Allotment
- Managing external relations with OUWG, The Children’s Allotment, Oxford City Council and Oxford Federation of Allotments. Attending Federation meetings and reporting back to EWAA committee
- Helping to set long-term strategy for the Association and managing its assets e.g. the shop building, toilet block, machinery
Deputy – responsibilities include:
- Supporting the Chair as needed with all the tasks related to the running of the Association
- Coordinating tasks connected with site maintenance
Treasurer – responsibilities include:
- Managing EWAA funds and financial well-being
- Managing the EWAA bank accounts
- Maintaining Treasurer’s spreadsheet recording EWAA income and outgoings
- Maintaining records of bank statements, utility reports, expense claims, etc. accessible for inspection as required
- Liaising with Membership Secretary regarding collection of plot rents
- Paying site rent twice yearly to Oxford City Council
- Ensuring sufficient funds are available in current account to cover payment of bills
- Monitoring water and electricity usage, providing readings at least twice yearly to utility companies
- Invoicing The Children’s Allotment and OUWG quarterly for their water and electricity (supplied via EWAA) and ensuring payment when necessary
- Working closely with the Shop Officer to develop and improve systems for payment and stock control
- Managing and monitoring iZettle account (which enables cashless payments for goods sold in the shop)
- Reimbursing Committee Members for any expenses or stock purchases
Secretary – responsibilities include:
- Writing the text of announcements to the membership, as requested by the Committee
- Taking minutes at meetings
- Circulating meeting agendas
- Monitoring the general admin mailbox and responding to queries
- Updating website pages to keep information current
- Printing, laminating, and displaying notices and announcements on physical noticeboards around the site
Membership Secretary – responsibilities include:
- Dealing with enquiries for plots; maintaining the waiting list; signing up new members and allocating plots as they become available; issuing keys
- With the Treasurer, ensuring deposits are taken and rents are collected
- Maintaining the EWAA list of member email addresses
- Keeping up-to-date records of enquiries, waiting list, contact details and keys issued
- Reporting membership numbers annually to Oxford City Council
- Organising regular site and plot inspections (up to 4 times/year) and, when necessary, issuing warnings about poor cultivation, negotiating plot changes, and terminating membership when needed
- Liaising with members regarding borders, structures, and sheds, and dealing with complaints
- With Chair, addressing any infringements of the Association rules
Committee Member – responsibilities include:
- Attending bi-monthly meetings of the EWAA Committee
- Volunteering for the shop rota (along with additional shop volunteers)
- Supporting the Officers to manage the site and promote compliance with Association rules e.g. plot numbering, good cultivation practices
- Assisting with maintenance tasks, such as draining down the EWAA water supply in the Autumn or reconnection it in Spring