Please note that we do not lend petrol or electric strimmers, or any other powered machinery (EWAA lawn mowers are only used by volunteers for mowing the main paths and the social area).  


  1. Hiring. Committee members have used Artisan hire in Botley. This option would be most cost-effective if several plot-holders wanted to hire for a day or weekend.
  2. Non-mechanical tools. We do have some non-mechanical tools for loan from the Allotment shop, e.g. spades, azadas (large mattocks), scythe, sickle, etc. Ask at the shop for more details.


  • Protect yourself: wear goggles, ear defenders, gloves, and sturdy boots
  • Strimmers are unsuitable for tackling large areas of thick brambles and rampant tree saplings
  • Always strim down from the top, never start at the base of the weeds you are cutting
  • Always walk forwards, never backwards
  • If you think you might not be able to cultivate or control an area quickly get some woven ground cover, cardboard, or other suitable sheeting and cover the area you have strimmed to prevent re-growth and the spread of weed seeds.
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