Two sheds, on plot 130 and 134b, were burnt to the ground in the early hours of Thursday night. In addition, many sheds were broken into, but nothing has been reported as missing. The fire service attended the blaze, cutting
Free Beginners Hedgelaying Training Course this Saturday
Free Beginners Hedgelaying Training Course Saturday 14th January 9.30 – 3.30pm Boundary Brook Nature Reserve Two places have become available, due to last minute illness, on the OUWG Beginners Hedgelaying Training Course this Saturday 14th January 9.30 – 3.30pm at
AGM and work party, 25th September
Invitation to all EWAA members 2022 Sunday 25th September AGM 12-2 at the shop Agenda: Vote for new Committee; proposal for rent increase and update about lease Autumn Work Party 10‑12 and 2-4 Volunteers needed to… … cut back brambles
Slow worm survey year 2
The slow worms are back! A team of ecologists are going to carry out a survey of the number of slow worms on our site. If you see mats like these, please don’t move them – they are part of
No fires please!
Everything is very dry and crispy at the moment, and this evening’s sprinkling of rain, though welcome, won’t do much to change that. Any fire started now has far too high a risk of spreading across the site, over or
The skip is now full. Please do NOT bring any more rubbish other than metal. Metal ONLY can be left in the marked area for collection. Massive THANK YOU to everyone who helped manage the skip especially our chief ‘skipper’
Open day at the OUWG reserve, 3rd July
Plants to attract bees
Wild bees and other insects will pollinate your crops, but they need pollen and nectar to keep them going until your plants start flowering, and afterwards until the queens go into hibernation in the autumn, You can find a list
The SKIP is back!
A skip for the disposal of bulky rubbish is outside the shop for the use of all EWAA plotholders. It is for large items which are difficult to dispose of. Space is limited, so please try to take rubbish home,
Allotment inspection coming up: 30th April
Reminder to get ready for the SPRING INSPECTION 30th of April We celebrate the wide variety of cultivation styles and the number of creative andproductive plots at EWAA. However, if plots are not being actively cultivated, pleaseremember that there are