We will be getting the following seed potato varieties in the shop on 26th February: First Earlies: Red Duke of York, Swift, Winston Second Earlies: Nadine, Vivaldi Salads: Charlotte, International Kidney Main: Cara, Desiree, King Edward, Rooster, Stemster
No vehicles on site please
Thanks to the torrential rain of the last few days, the site is now closed to vehicles until further notice due to the state of the ground. We will let you know when things have dried out enough to reopen
Rescheduled workparty this Saturday!
Thanks everyone who turned out on Sunday and did masses of work clearing the car parks! As we had to cancel on Saturday due to the weather, there will be another workparty this Saturday 19th, from 10 -1. Meet at
Saturday work party CANCELLED, Sunday still on
Due to the volume of rain overnight we are cancelling today’s workparty and planning to go for it tomorrow when things have dried out a bit. Please come along for as long as you can tomorrow!
Autumn work party, 12 -13 November
Our next work party will be on 12th November at 10 -4, and 13th November 10 – 2, meeting at the shop. Please come along if you can to help out with clearing of overgrown areas, litterpicking, general sprucing up of
Mushroom Compost in the shop
A limited supply of mushroom compost is now available in the shop at £4 per bag. Each bag is 50lb (approx 100 litres), and contains wood-free compost which has been used to grow organically produced mushrooms. Spent mushroom compost is one
Talk on Soil Organic Matter
Message from Oxford and District Federation of Allotment Associations: You are invited to an O&DFAA talk: Soil Organic Matter: Why is it so important for your crops? Its sources, actions & reactions by Chris Bird, M. Hort (RHS) Lecturer in
What have we got in the shop?
You can now see our typical stock and prices on the website before you venture down on a Sunday morning to buy. Seeds, onions sets, garlic and seed potatoes are all available in season. Canes, mypex (black plastic to cover
Rent days, also coming up
This years rent days are coming up on the 9th and 16th of October, in the shop on Sunday morning. The rent will be agreed at the AGM on the 29th September and plotholders can come along either day to pay their rent,
AGM coming up, 29th September
East Ward Allotment Association will hold its 2016 Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 29 September at the allotment shop Along with a report of the year’s activities, we will be electing the Association’s officers for 2016-2017: