See here: This excel spreadsheet from the Heritage Fruit Co contains a list of their current stock, pages Row 1 and Row 8 being apparently the most relevant to us. Please let Andy Howard know on what you
Events – fruit sale, summer party
Andy Howard of the Heritage Fruit Company will be with us on the morning of 30th March selling his fantastic fruit trees and bushes, and talking on fruit management. Watch this space for further details and a stock list for
The big white skip in the Children’s Allotment area behind our shop was paid for by that group and is for their use only. Please don’t dump rubbish in it. If you are responsible for the items already left in
Seed Potatoes now in stock
Varieties for sale: Duke of York (First Early) Colleen (First Early Blight Resistant) Nadine (Second Early) Charlotte (Salad) International Kidney (Salad) Cara (Main Blight Resistant) Desiree (Main) King Edward (Main) Pick ‘n Mix – £1.00/kg. Please bring your own bag(s)
Frogspawn survey!
If you have a pond on your plot or in your garden, this is for you! the PondNet Spawn Survey is collecting data on the breeding success of frogs and toads around the country, and they want to know about
In Allotment Shop now – Garlic / Onions / Shallots / Peas / Beans
We have just taken delivery of the following: Garlic – Picardy Wight Garlic – Solent Wight Pea – Onward Pea – Hurst Greenshaft Pea – Oregon Sugar Pod French Bean – Borlotti Runner Bean – Enorma Shallot – Red Sun
Hedge Laying / Coppicing courses at Boundary Brook Nature Reserve
BBOWT/OUWG are running a series of Hedge Laying and Coppicing courses at Boundary Brook Nature Reserve in February, open to all, and free. Click on link below for further details: Boundary Brook Events Feb 2019
Potato fair
Happy New Year! It’s been good to see so many of you down on site getting things organised. A reminder that while our shop reopens this Sunday from 11-12, the Pennard Potato Fair is on again in Oxford also on
The Children’s Allotment Festive Social event – 15th December
Dear All, Our neighbours at the Children’s Allotment (behind the EWAA shop) are having a winter warmer next weekend, please see details below and do offer them your support. Best wishes, the EWAA team Dear Allotment holders We
Diary dates and potato fair
The shop will be open this week and next, then we will take a break over Christmas and the New Year, re-opening on the 6th of Jan. You’ll be wanting to be getting back to the allotment after all that