Because the used hand towels in the toilet block regularly spill out of the waste container and onto the floor, causing an unhygienic nuisance, the Committee has decided not to refill the paper towel dispenser beside the basin from now
Gate Wide Open
This photo shows the gate beside the wood chips around mid-day on Thursday. There was no-one around. Please make sure you shut and lock the gate every time you enter or leave the site. EWAA Committee
Rent Payment 2021-22
Acknowledging that the Covid pandemic has affected many incomes over the past year, the EWAA Committee has decided not to apply any increase to the plot rents charged for the coming year. On 4th October, following the plot inspection, the
Drug users in EWAA car parks
Over recent weeks several members have reported their concern at the increasingly regular presence in the EWAA car parks of local drug users, especially around the pile of woodchip outside the gate to the Middle and Howard Street Lanes. Please
Autumn Plot Inspection
The next inspection of plots takes place on October 2nd & 3rd. With the high demand for allotments at the East Ward site we currently have over 50 names on the Waiting List, therefore if you have not cultivated your plot to
OUWG Open Afternoon this Saturday
This weekend our neighbours at the Oxford Urban Wildlife Group are holding an Open Afternoon, Saturday 11th September 2pm ~ 5pm at the Boundary Brook site. There will be guided walks, an Art in Nature Trail, and a wildlife photography
Last shopping Sunday before the August closure – 25th July
Next Sunday is your last chance before September to pick up essential allotment supplies from the EWAA shop. It does not open during the August holiday period. Compost Bean poles Mypex Enviromesh Pea netting Butterfly netting For a full list
Metaldehyde Slug Pellets
The use of slug pellets which contain the toxic chemical metaldehyde will be banned from March 2022. Metaldehyde is a poison which can also kill species such as birds and mammals. It is toxic to pets and to people, and
Thefts from the site
The Committee has received several reports of plants or produce going missing in recent weeks. While this can be very frustrating, we do not have many options to solve this problem. A voluntary organisation like ours relies on the goodwill
Muntjac Deer Problem
As many people are all too aware, we share our site with muntjac deer who have been voraciously chomping their way through prize produce. Various proposals and suggestions have been made about how to stop damage from the deer and