Each year, many of us are lucky enough to have surplus produce even if some of our crops fail or underperform, despite our best efforts.  Sometimes we pass neighbouring plots where fruit or vegetables are wasting on the site.  In recent months during lockdown, many of us will have experienced for the first time what it is to go without essential foodstuffs – perhaps not being able to get eggs, or milk, or dried yeast for baking, or a range of other staples.

For some people in our city however, poverty means that family incomes are not sufficient to buy what is needed.  In recent months food banks across the country have struggled to keep stock levels up.  Homelessness has also presented additional challenges in lockdown.

This year, consider the possibility of donating surplus produce that would otherwise go to waste or is not needed to a neighbouring local organisation – The Porch. http://www.theporch.org.uk/  The Porch does an amazing job providing meals for the homeless and vulnerable and would be very grateful for our donations. They have confirmed that they would be delighted to receive donations of excess produce from allotments in the area. As they are based just around the corner from our allotments in Magdalen Road, donations could be dropped off on any day.

Surplus Food: The Porch

3 thoughts on “Surplus Food: The Porch

  • 30th June 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Fantastic. Such a great charity . They have worked super hard to keep doing what they’re doing in the community .

  • 3rd July 2020 at 5:17 pm

    Yes, they do a great job and have been handing out/providing from their premises/delivering to the vulnerable nearly 200 meals a day some days. I think they’d like the produce ideally on a weekday morning, but they’re always very grateful for whatever the community can donate.

  • 4th July 2020 at 7:51 am

    A great idea. We will do that


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